OT Potential Podcast | Occupational Therapy CEUs
Earn your OT CEUs by listening for free to our episodes, then logging into the OT Potential Club to take a quiz and earn a certificate. In each episode, we discuss new OT-related research and invite an expert guest to pull out actionable takeaways. Perfect for occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants. Episodes are released every other week.
OT Potential Podcast | Occupational Therapy CEUs
#81: OT and CRPS with Megan Doyle
In a massive 53 page treatment guideline on Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), the authors state:
“Occupational therapists are the ideal therapeutic leaders in the functional restoration process…”
And, go on to devote 2 pages to what this OT care can entail.
In this one hour course, we’ll pull out important implications for OT practice from the entire guideline. As you’ll see, when it comes to treating chronic pain, like CRPS there are a lot of best practices to draw on—but also a lot of unknowns that necessitates close attention to the individual in front of you.
To help us flesh out what this means for OT practice, we’ll welcome to the podcast Megan Doyle, a program manager at an outpatient pain program and a leading voice on OT’s role in pain management.
You can find more details on this course here:
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Here's the primary research we are discussing:
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome: Practical Diagnostic and Treatment Guidelines, 5th Edition.