OT Potential Podcast | Occupational Therapy CEUs
Earn your OT CEUs by listening for free to our episodes, then logging into the OT Potential Club to take a quiz and earn a certificate. In each episode, we discuss new OT-related research and invite an expert guest to pull out actionable takeaways. Perfect for occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants. Episodes are released every other week.
OT Potential Podcast | Occupational Therapy CEUs
#76: OT and Pediatric Constipation with Quiara Smith
I’ve been surprised as my own kids enter elementary school to anecdotally find that constipation is a common reason to miss activities.
But, this aligns perfectly with the research we look at today, and the growing concern that constipation has become a public health concern.
As many as 32% of kids (0-18) experience constipation. And, a growing number of occupational therapy professionals are seeing these kids on their caseload. Today we’ll look at an article that examines what an interdisciplinary approach to pediatric constipation can look like.
Then, we are excited to welcome to the podcast, Quiara Smith, an OT who owns a pediatric pelvic health practice. Her and I will discuss the practical implications from this article for your OT practice.
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Here's the primary research we are discussing:
Interdisciplinary occupational and physical therapy approach to treating constipation and fecal incontinence in children.